On Strategy and HEFLO: Combining to Deliver Digital Processes in Mexico

On Strategy and HEFLO: Combining to Deliver Digital Processes in Mexico

Imagine a successful family business that has run for a few decades.

Among its best employees are the owner's two sons: both dedicated and competent.

At some point, it's time to pass the baton, to leave a legacy, both for the family and for society.

At the moment that the owner decides to make this very important decision, he realizes one detail: everything, absolutely everything that happens in the company is under his responsibility and control.

There is not even one automated or documented process. There are no defined strategic guidelines.

In all these decades spent at the helm of the company, he couldn't even take a 10-day vacation without being totally worried about the business, leaving the day-to-day operations in the hands of his children, no matter how capable they were.

This 'made for a movie' story, is in fact, a real case for On Strategy, a Mexican business management consulting firm that has partnered with Venki, maker of HEFLO, to help companies in their country - and many others in the Americas - take a step forward in their business.

Mexico is a very important market for us. Today it's the second largest public reading our educational content and an economy that knows how to benefit from the proximity to the North American market. We look forward to developing various initiatives with On Strategy across the continent. Wallace Oliveira CEO HEFLO

Now, in addition to helping its clients define strategies, On Strategy has the right tool to develop the best execution of these strategies in practice.

To do this, it uses the modeling, optimization, documentation and, afterward, automation of its processes with HEFLO, Low Code BPM software which is intuitive and accessible from the internet, wherever you are.

By the end of this post, you'll learn more about this and other On Strategy success stories.

Before that, follow this video and learn a little more about this company and its way of working:

On Strategy: the business of the future, today!

We interviewed Mr. Walter Larralde, CEO of On Strategy, who views the company's partnership with HEFLO as an incredible opportunity for digital transformation - a phrase so fashionable - to be carried out effectively in their processes, and not only to summarize the excellent ideas and good intentions of entrepreneurs and managers:

HEFLO allows processes to be a living, palpable, real element of organizations. Most of the time, strategists have good ideas for companies, but when it comes to running them, you need an appropriate tool for that. And it's this feature of HEFLO that makes it so important: translate the strategies we create into modeled, optimized, documented and automated processes very easily.

However, in order to get to process design, one must first completely understand a client's business, define or understand their strategies and vision for the future.

This is a fundamental point for the success of a partnership. And On Strategy has performed this job with mastery and recognition for many years, serving companies like Coca-Cola, Austin Powder, Young & Rubicam, BBVA, Wunderman and many others.

For this, On Strategy bases itself on three foundations, to promote improvement implementation in order to execute the organizational objectives and the vision of the business:

  • Strategies
  • People
  • Processes

It is the union of these three factors that leads an organization to achieve the desired results.

Because it is the people who carry out the processes that will lead to the correct execution of the strategy.

In Larralde's words:

"Strategy is linked to processes and processes are linked to people"

The type of companies and professionals searching for On Strategy

Medium-size and large companies seek process automation the most, particularly those with an ingrained culture of measuring results.

The goal of these companies is to find ways to professionalize process management, to become stronger, robust and systemic, and grow in a sustainable way.

Digital transformation is already occurring, in a way, in these companies, but many still don't realize it. In fact, some companies don't see the value of it, and so they get left behind.

It's difficult for some to really understand what digital transformation is and how investment in it can have positive results.

"Some talk a lot, but do little. There are many events and forums, but companies still don't have anyone to help them, from start to finish, to implement digital transformation. They lack a specialist who takes care of it end to end"

Comments Larralde.

It's in this sense that the value of On Strategy's partnership with HEFLO stands out. HEFLO attends to a large space in organizations, which can clearly translate into the professionals who seek On Strategy's services:

  • CEOs, executives who want to create more value for the organization.
  • CFOs, who want to translate this organizational value into their company market price.
  • Strategic Management Directors (SMOs), who want to turn ideas into results.
  • HR managers, who need to manage organizational change.
These and other executives are looking for tools that enable better control and execution of business processes.

In Larralde's view, 9 out of 10 companies can't implement a strategy. Companies don't have the methodology to do this, they don't discuss the strategy formally and don't devote time to it.

With this in mind, there are great opportunities for developing the HEFLO and On Strategy partnership. This is because, no matter the size, all companies have processes.

In addition, some market sectors, financial, health, food, chemical, and even government have a lot of regulation. All of which, need clear, transparent and well-documented processes.

But many process improvement projects these companies have are still on paper, in a folder, a PowerPoint or spreadsheet.

But, there are people who can bring these processes to life, On Strategy and HEFLO can facilitate your business digital transformation.

And the father who wanted to leave the family business to his children.

Remember the company at the beginning of this article?

Well, this is a distributor of small machines with two-stroke engines, such as chainsaws and leaf blowers.

On Strategy's proposed solution was to design all processes and a management model in tune with a well-planned strategy.

So no one else would depend on the father's leadership and charisma in the business. By formalizing processes, now he can take his vacations and extend them to a quiet retirement. The company no longer depends on just one person, but on clearly defined procedures and processes

If you want your company to definitively enter the digital transformation era and achieve its strategic objectives, you can count on HEFLO and On Strategy.

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