Inspirational quotes for business success: 20 quotes to get you inspired

Inspirational quotes for business success: 20 quotes to get you inspired

When beginning a speech, starting a meeting, illustrating a presentation or ending a discussion, nothing can be more impressive than inspirational quotes for business success.

Smart, effective quotes, especially when they're from successful entrepreneurs, always make a good impression and can help justify a reasoning, an idea, or a decision made in an elegant and even brilliant way.

Citing other people successful experiences has always been a rhetorical and oratorical device that has worked very well to this day.

Also, the organizational process models that these executives, these authors of inspirational quotes for business success, used in their accomplishments can often be very inspirational for your organization as well.

Check out this collection and put together a great personal repertoire of inspirational quotes for business success.

20 inspirational quotes for business success from famous people

4 inspirational quotes for business success from Peter Drucker, consultant, author of more than 30 books and considered by many the 'Father of Modern Administration.'

Wherever you see a successful business, you can believe that there was once one day a courageous decision - Peter Drucker
Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things - Peter Drucker
If you want something new, you need to stop doing something old - Peter Drucker
There is nothing as useless as doing something with great efficiency that which should not be done. - Peter Drucker

3 inspirational quotes for business success from Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook

You are better to try something new, see it fail and learn from it, than do nothing. - Mark Zuckerberg
The biggest risk is not taking chances. In a world that changes very fast, the only strategy in which failure is guaranteed is in not taking any risk. - Mark Zuckerberg
I think a simple rule of business is to do things that are easier first, in this way you can make a lot of progress. - Mark Zuckerberg

A quote from Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States, who inspired the famous Eisenhower Matrix

What is important is rarely urgent, and what is urgent is rarely important. - Dwight Eisenhower

An inspirational quote for business success from Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister.

Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

3 quotes from Steve Jobs, successful entrepreneur and founder of Apple.

To be successful it is necessary to truly love what you do. - Steve Jobs
Some people believe that having focus means saying yes to the thing they decided to focus on. But it's nothing like that: having focus means saying no to the hundreds of other good ideas that exist. - Steve Jobs
Those who are crazy enough to believe that they can change the world are the ones who do it. - Steve Jobs

4 phrases from another successful businessman, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.

I would choose a lazy person to do heavy work. Mainly because a lazy person will find the simplest way to solve the problem. - Bill Gates
It's good to celebrate success, but it's more important to pay attention to the lessons of failure. - Bill Gates
The key to business success is to realize where the world is going and get there first. - Bill Gates
Success is a perverse teacher. It seduces people and makes them think that they will never fall. - Bill Gates 

An inspirational quote for business success from Thomas Edison, scientist, inventor and an American businessman.

Many of the failures in life are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison

A quote from Albert Einstein, physicist, teacher and considered one of the greatest geniuses of the 20th century.

I tried 99 times and failed, but on the hundredth attempt I got it. Never give up on your goals even though they seem impossible, the next attempt may be victorious. - Albert Einstein

2 inspirational quotes for business success from Walt Disney, an American entertainment designer, and entrepreneur.

If you can dream, you can achieve. - Walt Disney
Do not let your fears take the place of your dreams. - Walt Disney

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