The Meaning of 23 Flowchart Symbols

The Meaning of 23 Flowchart Symbols

When designing and mapping processes with symbols, it is essential to understand their meanings. Therefore, it is important that all professionals involved with BPM fully master the meaning of the flowchart process mapping symbols.

We will detail some of the flowchart symbols most used and known, to facilitate their understanding, without going into more complex and advanced variations.

Using these symbols, you can map processes with agility and clarity. And if necessary, a second time using tools and more specific software that can have more resources and meanings.

Meanings of flow chart process mapping symbols

The first symbol to be displayed is the arrow, a connection symbol used to indicate a link between two other symbols and the direction of flow.

Process mapping Symbols 0


Next, we will show various designs of shapes with their meaning of these symbols in the process flowchart.


Process mapping Symbols 1 - Terminação

It indicates the beginning or end of a process flow diagram.


Process mapping Symbols 2 - Processo

It indicates a particular process and its functions and activities.


Process mapping Symbols 3 - Decisão

It shows that a decision will have to be taken and the process flow will follow a certain direction due to this decision.


Process mapping Symbols 4 - Atraso

Is that some time will pass before the process flow continues.


Process mapping Symbols 5

It's any data used in the flowchart.


Process mapping Symbols 6 - Documento

It is a type of data or information that can be read by people, such as a printed report, for example.

Various documents

Process mapping Symbols 7 - Vários documentos

It indicates that there are several documents.

Subroutine or default process

Process mapping Symbols 8 - Sub-rotina

A process that is already pre-defined.


Process mapping Symbols 9 - Preparação

It shows that something must be done, adjusted or modified in the process before proceeding.


Process mapping Symbols 10

It indicates that any information or data is displayed for reading on a screen or other display.

Manual entry

Process mapping Symbols 11 - Entrada

It shows that a procedure will be performed manually by a person.

Loop manual

Process mapping Symbols 12 - Loop manual

It indicates that a command sequence will occur continuously in repetition until stopped manually by a person.

Loop Limit

Process mapping Symbols 13 - Limite de loop

It shows the beginning of a loop process.

Stored Data

Process mapping Symbols 14 - Dados armazenados

It shows that there is stored data.


Process mapping Symbols 15 - Conector

It indicates that there is an inspection at this point.

Connector to another page

Process mapping Symbols 16 - Conector para outra página

It shows that there are a cross-reference and link to this process from another process designed on another page.


Process mapping Symbols 17 - OU

Used to indicate the 'OR' logic.


Process mapping Symbols 18 - Somador

Used to indicate the logic 'and'.


Process mapping Symbols 19 - Agrupar

Indicates a step in which the data is organized in a standard way.


Process mapping Symbols 20

It shows that at this point there will be a list generated that organizes items in a particular order.


Process mapping Symbols 21 - Mesclar

Indicates a step that will combine several sets into one.


Process mapping Symbols 22 - Base de dados

A list of information with a standardized structure that allows searching and sorting.

Internal Storage

Process mapping Symbols 23 - Armazenamento interno

It indicates an internal storage device.

These were the 23 main meanings of flowchart process mapping symbols. Using these symbols, you will be able to map processes and interpret flowcharts.

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