5 Examples of Process Maps: Diagram, map and model differences

5 Examples of Process Maps: Diagram, map and model differences

What is process mapping? Process mapping is a typical example of a BPM concept that many still use incorrectly. In an attempt to manage activities and processes and find ways to organize time and resources, many well-meaning professionals end up confusing these terms.

It's why in this post we will clarify the differences between a process map and a diagram, as well as a BPM process model, with 5 examples of process maps.

What is process mapping? See the definition of process maps, diagrams, and models

When using a process mapping tool, the goal is to generate a business process model, which is much more comprehensive than a process diagram or map. A model contains more information, like the directions information flows, and can even have the ability to do simulations.

The hierarchy of complexity begins with the process diagram, then the process map (examples later) and finally the process model, which is much more comprehensive.

Thus, we can say that:

  • The process diagram: Is the most initial and simplified representation of the process to be modeled, only the activities are placed in order.
  • A process map: Is the second step towards the process model, which also includes actors (employees), results, events and even business rules and other elements.
  • And the process model: Is the result of this sequence in which, in addition to the aforementioned elements and the flow of information, more details can be included that will contribute to the modeling, such as formulas, descriptions, systems, services and more.

Now that these concepts have been clarified let's look at examples of process maps and diagrams.

Examples of process maps and diagrams

Let's start with a simple example diagram, which will be sufficient to understand this concept. Then, we will present detailed examples of process maps.

Examples of process mapping: A payment receipt process diagram

See that there is not much information, just a start, end and "raw" tasks, without much detail.

examples of process maps

Fig. 1 - Process diagram


In the following examples of process maps, note how much more information there is.

Flow map example: Process improvement map

Examples of process maps

Fig. 2 - An example of a process improvement map

Note that in this process improvement map example there are many other details, such as deviations, different initial event types, instances, users, and other information.

Import this flow map example on HEFLO online modeler

Examples of process maps: Service Desk

examples of process maps

Fig. 3 - A service desk process map example

Now notice in this Service Desk process map template, how in addition to the items mentioned above, there is even more processes and messages. All very clear and understandable for anyone, through the use of BPMN 2.0 notation, the most accepted in the world!

Import this flow map example on HEFLO online modeler

Flow map example: Recruitment and Selection

examples of process maps

Fig. 4 - A recruitment and selection process map example

This recruitment and selection process flow map example includes a new element: data objects.

Import this flow map example on HEFLO online modeler

Examples of process mapping: Sales

examples of process maps

Fig. 5 - A sales process map example

Import this flow map example on HEFLO online modeler

Note that in this sales process flow model, the timer, another BPMN 2.0 notation example, appears in the lower-left corner of some tasks.

Examples of process maps: Customer service

examples of process maps

Fig. 6 - A customer service process map example

Import this flow map example on HEFLO online modeler

Do you want to know more about what process mapping is? See more examples of process maps. Sign up for our HEFLO process mapping software, access the process library and get started right away!

Also, if you want to master the best notation for modeling business processes, watch the video below. It explains how to create a BPMN diagram.

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